¿Estamos preparados en términos de Profesionales de CiberSeguridad?
Proteger mi red con Firewall es como:
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de Ciberseguridad?
"When we tell you to apply updates we are not telling you to mend your ship. We are telling you to keep bailing before the water gets to your neck." Everything is Broken de Quinn Norton
"When we tell you to apply updates we are not telling you to mend your ship. We are telling you to keep bailing before the water gets to your neck." Everything is Broken de Quinn Norton
Mossack Fonseca Drupal install hadn't been updated in 3 yrs 25 security updates have been released since then - https://t.co/FTVg1pZoMM— Alex Martínez Varela (@amvarela) April 8, 2016